This was made for Kara and Stephen to be used as a part of a bouquet of books at their wedding. For a book to be incorporated into a bouquet, I felt the book had to satisfy certain requirements: 1. Be a book; 2. Look flower-like; and 3. Be light enough to carried on a stem.
The book came with an instruction for converting it into a flower:
- Pick up the stem piece and slide off the bottom bead. You now have two stems.
- Open the book into a circular form.
- Insert the stem with the stamen from the top of the opened book through both book rings.
- Insert the stem with the leaves from the bottom through both book rings AND into the top bead – it will fit. The trick is to open out the leaves and to keep the stamen and the top bead close to the book edge.
- Insert the bottom bead and push up until it fits tightly.
- Arrange the stamen and the leaves as desired.
A toast to the bride and groom!
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
and your hearts joined forever in love.
— Anonymous
Always speak well of each other.
Believe the best is yet to come.
Cherish every moments as if it were your last.
— Mary Lenore Quigly
Cherish every moment as if were your last
Never above you.
Never below you.
Always besides you.
— Walter Winchell
When the roaring flames of your love
Have burned down to embers,
May you find that you’ve married your best friend.
— Anonymous
Do not forget
To look at each other often
As though
It were the first,
Or the last time.
— Unknown
When the roaring flames of your love
Have burned down to embers,
May you find that you’ve married your best friend.
— Anonymous

2″h x 1.5″w
Good wishes on a wedding day.
Small rings along the spine allow the pages to open into a circular flower-like form. The opened book can be attached to a wire stem — it comes with an assembly instruction
Printed pages, rubber stamps.